Monday, January 17, 2011

Ramblings about a mad man (Part One)

Jared Loughner, not Jared Lee Loughner.  Two good reasons, Kathy Lee Gifford has the same middle name and her last name is eerily close to Rep. Giffords'.  Lee Harvey Oswald has claim over  Lee especially when it comes to murder or political assassinations.  I guess, I  just don't want to honor another mass murderer by using their formal name.  Being formal is related to being respectful.  Jared Loughner has earned no respect from anyone other than some whackos on the internet.  Which leads us to said whackos.  Who would really praise this murderer or agree with his methods? Directly or indirectly?  Well, that is the questions that I will examine by looking at youtube comments. But, first, part one will lay the groundwork for a conspiracy theory about the main cause of mass murderers of the future.

As an aside, youtube comments can on hot topics become a chatroom with much discourse and very little of it being civil.  Youtube channels run the full gamut of the human experience and there are relatively small enclaves of the fringe elements of society. I dare say that a sociologist and other scientists could have a field day studying the lunacy of thoughts and ideas being portrayed and "published".  Perhaps, one could say that some of the youtube channels are being channeled straight from demons.  We are in modern times,  but the ramblings and belief systems propagated would seem more akin to the middle ages or so named dark ages.  These people, apparently, have no history upon which to base their irrationalizations other than their inbreeding group-think mentality.

Let's look at samples and examples or lowlights (as opposed to highlights) of postings. These are not scientific, but I think all to representative of where we are at.  I am afraid that we are at a tipping point in our American society, even though I am talking about a global medium.  The vast majority of those involved in commenting on American politics are naturally from America and most foreigners, I assume, are kind enough to state where they are coming from.  The tipping point is when discourse gets so terrible that it harms the fabric of society.  The talking heads have gotten it wrong again in blaming public figures. Public figures would not last one day if they spewed anything resembling the following examples. The news media is a perfect example of where we are heading in this realm of influence.  The news was basically 15-30 minutes of a national broadcast.  Then, it evolved to  add local news and 60 minutes type genre.  Then cable news joined the fray and  started to dominate.  Personalities such as Rush Limbaugh on the right and Air America on the left try to compete for influencing people to their viewpoints.  The discourse became more one-sided and somewhat bitter and some succeeded beyond their dreams while others ended up in bankruptcy.  Now it is 24/7 and mainly unbalanced, which is not all bad because one-sidedness can be fair and well thought out. While debate, which is considered balanced, can often have one side tell three lies while the other side can only refute one or two of them to have enough time to make their own points.  People mis-speak and are mistaken in what they say, but I am convinced that some are deliberately lying because they know the other side cannot spend all of their time explaining why it is a lie.  The technique should be called lie bombardment and it is effective.  Another effective technique is to have two or three on the same side of an issue reinforcing each other with "absolutely" to things that they know contain a big lie, small lie or partial truth and then it is their turn to do the same thing - taking turns until the segment is done. Whew, network news is slanted, cable news 24/7 will get it wrong or be biased or sometimes even bending over backwards to appear to be independent or unbiased. Fox News dominates cable news and those that don't like Fox News will go to those that speak more to their liking.  The fairness doctrine, which I do not endorse, actually can look good on paper - forcing unbiased discussions where "both" sides are given equal time.  But, the problem is in who is going to enforce this?  What if there are 5 sides? Three sides that are about 45-45-10, history has shown that the very minority opinion may be correct - will the "fairness" doctrine discard the opinion as "kooky" or at times worse - give the whacko fringe opinion equal time.  Again, who will choose?  Back to topic before I need to change the 'about' in my title to the word 'of'.'  Cable set the new world on its ear, but that is not "the rest of the story."  The internet enters the scene and becomes more influential than the network news, cable news and even Oprah.  Basically, the internet itself has gone viral.  This is where the crazies are, this is where the future Jared (not Lee) Loughners are breeding, er should I say, festering.  This is the new world order.  This is where the conspiracies are going viral, this is where virtual pedofiles, virtual nazis, virtual anarchists, virtual unlabels are in a feeding frenzy.  The crazies have been given the key to the insane asylum with almost unlimited freedoms and powers that were hitherto unkown to crazy people.  For clarification, I do not necessarily mean mentally retarded for these people may have high IQs, but their ideas are crazy, their rationales are crazy, their sense of identity is group-thinking 24/7 in a mental fog of  self-fulfilling verbalizations.  These breeding grounds that gestate to madness for some are open all day, every day.  I see this as a problem.  Repeated insane observations, insane relationships and insane identifications with groups that are evil in nature are drastically influencing many, many people with the potential of many, many more joining in.  Referencing Jared Loughner's ramblings (so, I don't need to change my title) may show that he might not be as crazy as people think, though, I believe he actually is.  Loughner's ramblings include talk about grammer. He is indeed close to the truth, as the criminally insane *or insane criminal, if you prefer* ofen is.  It is not left vs right that caused his outburst of murder, it is not rhetoric or so-called violent words or guns or politics IN HIS CASE. The argument is that it could be for the next Loughner, and the next one could be a crazy with left leanings or a crazy with right leanings. But, we are missing the real danger and I believe there is a potential for a lot of politicizing (as we have seen with JL - who I will refer to as JaL which means Just a Loser) whenever a tragedy occurs that involves any person.  Organized terrorism like PLO, Al-Quaeda is actually a form of war rather than criminal acts (even mass murder) carried out by a single or a few madmen.  For example, the assassination of JFK devastated our country's psyche but it was not an act of terrorism, domestic or otherwise.  Of course, there may have been a conspiracy aspect but the proof is not undeniable.  Even then, terrorism is not just about killing but also to terrorize the victims with threats of future violence from a  particular group that often takes the credit.

 The breeding ground of future assassins is not in the rhetoric of the left or the right in the pubic square though it may contain violent imagery,  terms of war or even figurative death.  I believe the breeding grounds are going to increasingly be found among the echo chambers of deranged minds that are no longer isolated and starving but connected and in a feeding frenzy of lunacy.  These death-think tanks are not pooling the super smart to solve problems or help a particular viewpoint or cause.  They are actually allowing the lowest denomiator of society, the mentally unstable, to lift each other up and feed each other's egos and distortions.  The distortions add, multiply and divide - but they only divide from the groups the rational, the less deluded, the more reasonable.  Instead of weeding out the mentally or physically weak as a boot camp for firefighters - these will weed out those that are not deluded or borderline insane.  Violence spouting groups will weed out those that are not as violent.  Whacko groups will weed out those with some sense.  This is a spiral that is ever downward. The deranged are naturally polarized by the swirling conversations until they settle out with the most violent or the most racist or the most anti-semitic or the most anti-government anarchists or any combination of any thoughts that are harmful to our way of life or literally the lives of innocents.   I submit that there may appear to be others that are somewhat involved, but there is a dimension where those that are alike will naturally identify with others like themselves.  They will praise their own degeneratedness, perversions, sick and twisted thoughts and continually encourage fantasies about acting out or feeling powerful through violence, perversion and criminal activities.  The way to make a petty thief into a hardened criminal is to place them in a prison environment where crime is a common theme. Many inexperienced criminals that do not have their heart or conscienc fully into crime will fall for this influence and become worse in their criminality.  This paradigm,  I submit, must result from the filtering process not inherent in our wonderful internet, that is definitely used in almost glorious ways and almost psychotic ways.  The debate about public figure's rhetorics can come from some quite outlandish soundbites which are usually not quite so absurd in context.  The commenator or guest or whatever knows there are limits and may sound over the top, but there is a calming infuence where the humanity shines through.  I trust that if you truly listen to a  TV host that you really think you can't stand, or even feel like you could almost hate them.  You will find some quality about them that has redeeming features - otherwise they wouldn't be on TV for very long.  Not so on the internet,  the weirdest of the weird will usually filter down to quite an influential position though there are no titles.  The others with the same twisted minds, whatever the particular area of twistedness, will gravitate, follow and even act out these rantings.  This deranged, self-breeding rhetoric and echo chamber will in very small scales be similar to those that following the rantings of evil men throughout history, such as a Hitler or a Charles Manson.  Could one imagine what a Charles Manson-type personality would accomplish today in the demented recesses of the internet? Dwell on that for a few seconds and realize that these future Mansons are there and they are here now. Recruiting simply by spouting their derangements and gathering small armies.  Each group will have the leader that will be acceptable to the mentality of the group as a whole.  A pecking order will indirectly result with some trying to garner prestige or position within the group.  A violence-glorifying group will have some that will act out the delusions of those that are constanly reinforcing such behavior.  These are the terror cells of the near future,  terror not from identfiable established groups of terrorists, but terror because they are so random, unpredictable and hard to stop in the anonymous world of the internet.  People act like JaL (Loughner) should have been stopped and in hindsight he could have been since he was acting out publicly.  It didn't happen, but it was possible.  The recluse that has access to the computer and turns to discussions rather than music, porn or whatever else, will not be alone and their delusions would be accelerated and some that would never act out otherwise will act out to please their only true friends which are virtual reflections of their own inner nightmares.  Blaming current events with hindsight is fairly easy.  Some predicted  planes being used to fly into buildings before 9/11, but there was not a serious effort for many reasons *amongst them keeping guns and air marshalls off passenger planes*.  Afterwards, it seemed like it should have been obvious.  The fact is that there are thousands of ways to injure thousands of people at once.  Though, we have found that even a few deaths can devastate the fabric of our nation, temporarily.

Bottom line, the rhetoric in public discourse will get heated but this is not where the nuts will get their marching orders.  It will be from their own delusions and more than likely fed be other totally deranged people that are not in a debate but in an echo chamber of degeneration with drastic consequences on the mentally unstable among us.  Equal access is the unforunate consequence of the internet and may in the future be a breeding ground of more killers than Al-Quaeda could ever hope for.  I do not in any way mean to undermine the evil or downplay the intentions of organized terrorists or their sympathisizers that attempt to carry out their evil plans.  Political discourse was influenced by the mainstream media, newspapers and magazines, then cable, then alternative media including internet and now even the cable news are becoming more and more the old media.  People, especially the fringe, are going to want to not hear moderate or opposing voices and will join their own in the depths of the internet social system so they can feel normal and comfortable around their own kind.  Of course, normal people will seek out like-minded on the internet but with a diversity of interests and real-life demands that dominate their life.  The unhinged, unanchored emotional, mental, or social misfit will find what they want in these chambers of horrors to their unstabe delight and satisfaction, while losing whatever societal restraints and norms they had vaued in their lifes.  Unfortunately, for our society it will not be just the total losers like JaL that fulfill their demented fantasies, it will be many that would have been only borderline or never involved and they become the foot soldier for a cauldron of garbage stewing and over-flowing on the net.  Heaven help us and I hope that I am wrong for the sake of more innocents, but I fear that the warning signs are apparent, obvious and too clear to be ignored.
Part One End - Part Two will attempt to document some of these speculations.
PunIntensive 2011

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